There are two options available for FTIR users in ANALEST:
Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two: Spectral range 8300-350 cm-1
Thermo Scientific iS50: Spectral range 4600 -50 cm-1 with ATR accessory

Accessories available:

Harrick Praying Mantis DRIFT Accessory with Ambient Sampling Chamber

Perkin Elmer UATR Single Bounce with Diamond Crystal Pike Technologies VeeMax II variable angle ATR

Specular Reflectance:
Pike Technologies VeeMax II variable angle specular reflectance accessory


Bruker SENTERRA Dispersive Raman Microscope
The SENTERRA is a high performance Raman microscope spectrometer designed for the most demanding analytical and research applications. Its most important innovation is certainly its internal continuous calibration as it ensures highest wavenumber accuracy without the need for calibrations with external standards.

The SENTERRA combines numerous novel and several patented features:

  • Continuous calibration with SureCalĀ®
  • Compact design with spectrometer included in the microscope
  • Multiple wavelengths: 785 nm and 532 nm
  • High performance confocal depth profiling with FlexFocus

System Features:

  • Olympus BX51 Reflected and transmission light microscope
  • Microscope attachment with: - laser: 785nm 100mW and 532nm 20mW - detector: CCD, 1024x256 pixels, TE-cooled
  • Enclosure: Class 1 Laser Safety with interlocks.
  • Darkfield Instrumentation (for reflection only) includes nose piece and adaptations for bright-field objectives facilitates dark-field and bright-field operation
  • Polarizing Device for Visible Observation
  • Microscope Objectives: 100 X, 50 X, 20 X, 10X, 4X