Rates as of May 1, 2024:

Rates: Chemistry U of T External Acad.1 External Industry
GC $19.00/hr $26.00/hr $37.00/hr $82.00/hr
Headspace $17.00/hr $21.00/hr $29.00/hr $63.00/hr
GC-MS $29.00/hr $37.00/hr $53.00/hr $114.00/hr
HPLC $19.00/hr $26.00/hr $37.00/hr $82.00/hr
LC-MS $29.00/hr $37.00/hr $53.00/hr $114.00/hr
IC $19.00/hr $26.00/hr $37.00/hr $82.00/hr
ICP-OES $92.00/hr $105.00/hr $160.00/hr $315.00/hr
ICP-MS $119.00/hr $137.00/hr $207.00/hr $368.00/hr
AAS $19.00/hr $26.00/hr $37.00/hr $169.00/hr
FTIR $17.00/hr $21.00/hr $29.00/hr $63.00/hr
Raman $28.00/hr $37.00/hr $53.00/hr $110.00/hr
Fluorescence $17.00/hr $21.00/hr $29.00/hr $63.00/hr
UV/Vis $17.00/hr $21.00/hr $29.00/hr $63.00/hr
TOC/TN Analysis $44.00/hr $53.00/hr $75.00/hr $158.00/hr
KF Titration $19.00/sample $26.00/sample $37.00/sample $79.00/sample
SFC* $33.00/hr $42.00/hr $66.00/hr $126.00/hr
Microwave Digestion $11/sample $16/sample $22/sample $47/sample
CD $35.00/hr $42.00/hr $65.00/hr $126.00/hr
Elemental Analysis $46.00/sample $53.00/sample $75.00/sample $84.00/sample

1 External Academic is a member of a non-U of T university or college, or a hospital.

* For supercritical fluid chromatography, the minimum charge is $3000 yearly within a group, credited against the group's usage fees for the year.

No show / Cancellation / Late Policy:

Users arriving after the start of their booking will be charged for the missed time.
Missed/cancelled bookings of 2 hours or less:
If a booking is missed without notice, the user will be billed for the full amount of time booked.
Missed/cancelled bookings between 2-4 hours:
If a booking is missed without notice, the user will be billed for the full amount of time booked.
If < 24 hours notice is given, the user will be billed for half the time booked.
Missed/cancelled bookings > 4 hours:
If < 24 hours notice is given, the user will be billed for the full amount of time booked.
If < 48 hours notice is given, the user will be billed for half the time booked.
Instrument used and time not logged:
If we are unable to determine usage time because it was not recorded in the instrument logbook (or false times were recorded), 1 day of usage (8 hours) will be billed.