How to Access ANALEST:

Step 1: Determine what instrumentation would be best-suited for your analysis. You can find information on our equipment in the "instrumentation" menu at the top of the page. If you need any help or advice, please contact Dr. Jared Mudrik to discuss your analysis. Please provide as much detail as possible about the composition of your samples and what you would like to measure.

Step 2: Complete a new user form, which can be found on the Forms page. Please ensure you review ANALEST's rules and procedures on the form and on this page. There are four tiers of fees depending on what department you're in, or if you're external to U of T, so be sure to pick the correct form. Please email your form to Dr. Jared Mudrik, including as much detail as possible about the composition of your samples and what you would like to measure.

Step 3: Training. Once you've completed and submitted your user form, we will send you a short quiz on ANALEST rules and procedures, and we will arrange for you to receive a key fob (U of T users only). You will be sent instrument training videos to review. Some instruments will require additional in-person training (e.g. ICP-OES and ICP-MS).

After you're trained, you'll be able to book instruments and run your analyses. If you run into any trouble or have questions, our staff are here to help.

If you're looking for CHN elemental analysis, we'll run your samples for you, so you can skip the steps above. Click here for details.

Ultrapure Water:

Ultrapure water drop-off service is offered on weekdays. The drop-off location is in the hall outside ANALEST. Please attach the appropriate form to your bottle.
There is a volume limit of 4 L daily per person. Please ensure your bottle is clean and empty. Containers with spigots will not be filled due to the risk of leakage in the hallway.
Water bottles are filled daily at 10:00 am.

ANALEST Facility Rules and Procedures:

Hours and Access:

  • Regular hours of operation are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
    • ANALEST closes early at 4:30 pm from July 1 until Labour Day.
  • Users must vacate the facility before closing time, unless they have after-hours access privileges for the instrument they are using.
  • Key fobs may not be shared with other users without the express permission of the facility manager.
  • Key fob holders must not permit unauthorized individuals access to the facility.


  • Instruments must be booked (no drop-in usage).
    • This includes coming to process or retrieve data from an instrument computer.
  • Please respect the next booked user and ensure the instrument is vacated in time for their booking.
  • Only one person (the booked user) may attend an instrument booking.
    • An exception may be made for an experienced instrument user to attend a booking to help a novice user, or in situations where the experiment requires two people. This must be approved in advance with the facility manager.


  • Users must only use equipment for which they are authorized and follow proper operating procedures.
  • It is the responsibility of the user that the instrument is left in working order. Any damage done to the instrument as a result of neglect, improper use or chemical incompatibility shall result in charges for repairing or replacing the damaged equipment.
    • Please note that replacement of instrument components can be costly and may result in considerable downtime.
  • Users are responsible for accurately logging instrument usage in the instrument logbooks.
    • If we are unable to determine usage time because it was not recorded in the instrument logbook (or false times were recorded), 1 day of usage (8 hours) will be billed.
  • Users must provide their own PPE, as needed. ANALEST does not provide gloves or other PPE.


  • Non-compliance with ANALEST rules and procedures will result in loss of access to ANALEST according to the schedule below. Progression may be accelerated for major incidents at the discretion of the facility manager.
    • First strike: 2 week suspension
    • Second strike: 4 week suspension
    • Third strike: 6 week suspension
    • Fourth strike: Revocation of COVID-19 access